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投稿时间:2021-06-17  修订日期:2021-11-11  点此下载全文
占双剑* 苏州先机动力科技有限公司 shuangjian_zhan1@163.com 
陈滢 苏州先机动力科技有限公司技术部  
王松青 苏州先机动力科技有限公司技术部 irvinwsq@163.com 
陈新涛 张家港科瑞电器有限公司  
黄晓明 华中科技大学能源与动力工程学院  
中文关键词:断裂破坏  有限元计算  扫频振动  冷凝器  模态分析
Damage Analysis of Vibration Fracture on a Prototype Refrigerator Condenser
Abstract:After a 24-hour vibration test, many fractures were found on a prototype condenser. In order to investigate the fracture failure of the condenser, structural features of the condenser and its supporting connectors were extracted to establish a reliable and effective finite element analysis model. After that, the dynamic characteristics of the components was simulated, and the sweeping vibration test was reproduced. Finally, according to the results of finite element analysis (FEA), the results of structural vibration fracture were verified. Based on the study of the actual fracture locations and the structural deformation of the attached cooling wires, the conclusion gives an effective method to avoid potential reoccurrence of similar failures. Several possibilities of the fracture were provided to help optimize the vibration test scheme.
keywords:fracture failure  finite element analysis  frequency sweep vibration  condenser  modal analysis
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