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投稿时间:2021-10-10  修订日期:2021-11-02  点此下载全文
王淋* 徐州医科大学 wlin_xz@163.com 
周玥廷 徐州医科大学 z221887415157@163.com 
中文关键词:股骨  股骨柄  髓腔  感兴趣区域  叶脉骨架结构  有限元分析
Design Method of Femoral Stem Based on Vein Skeleton Structure
Abstract:Improving the good matching between femoral stem prosthesis and femoral medullary cavity is one of the most paramount clinical problems in joint surgery. The existing design methods of femoral stem prosthesis have not taken into account the secondary editing of the local region of interest of the femoral stem, which makes it difficult to modify the prosthesis model in the later stage. Aiming at fixing this problem, a design method of femoral stem prosthesis based on vein skeleton structure is presented in this paper; the center of femoral medullary cavity is obtained from the key cross section of femur, and the morphological parameters of femoral bone marrow cavity are measured, then the tuberosity area is selected as the region of interest and the vein skeleton structure is constructed, and finally the femoral stem model is constructed. The finite element analysis results demonstrate that the femoral stem prosthesis constructed by this method has good mechanical properties. It can be seen that this method is simple, flexible and efficient, which furnishes a new method for the design of femoral stem prosthesis and is of great significance to improve the matching between femoral stem prosthesis and femoral medullary cavity.
keywords:femur  femoral stem  medullary cavity  region of interest  vein skeleton structure  finite element analysis
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