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投稿时间:2021-10-11  修订日期:2021-10-26  点此下载全文
刘之春 山东建筑大学 土木工程学院 liuzhichun99@sdjzu.edu.cn 
刘军宇* 山东建筑大学+土木工程学院 2019015125@stu.sdjzu.edu.cn 
中文关键词:预应力混凝土  双T板  有限元分析  腹板裂缝
Cracks on end webs of prestressed concrete double Tee on roof cause analysis and reinforcement treatment
Abstract:Before the implementation of the new version of the double Tee atlas in May 2019, the relevant standards adopted by some domestic prestressed concrete double Tee factories were mainly local atlases. The detailed connection and structural measures of the nodes were simple. The prestressed concrete double Tee The phenomenon of cracks at the end of the board during use is more common. Aiming at the cracking of the prestressed concrete double Tee on the roof of a single-storey industrial plant in a certain project, the finite element software ABAQUS was used to analyze the double Tee at the end of the support, such as poor structure and easy initial cracks. In the construction process, there are situations that are not arranged in accordance with the structural requirements. The effect of temperature on the double T slab during use cannot be ignored. In view of the existing problems, improvement measures are proposed from the perspective of the structure, and the existing components with problems are reinforced. Treatment, the treatment result is good.
keywords:prestressed concrete  double Tee  finite element simulation analysis  Web cracks
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