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投稿时间:2021-10-17  修订日期:2021-11-05  点此下载全文
朱卫 中车株洲电力机车有限公司 zhuwei19830503@163.com 
张海* 华东交通大学机电与车辆工程学院 18413198@qq.com 
岳译新 中车株洲电力机车有限公司  
苏永章 中车株洲电力机车有限公司  
张宸瑜 华东交通大学机电与车辆工程学院  
付耿哲 华东交通大学机电与车辆工程学院  
中文摘要:为探究侵入物高速撞击下铰链式动车组的安全性,论文在通过实物三维扫描重构的基础上,构建了一种新的活体三维有限元层叠模型,并在LS-DYNA中进行了摆锤侧面碰撞分析验证;通过铰链式动车组与活体在110km/h速度下的碰撞仿真计算,讨论了动车组运行的安全性以及吸能装置的可靠性。研究结果显示,活体的有限元层叠模型既能保证计算精度,又能提高计算效率;在110km/h的碰撞速度下,车体加速度为0.117g,轮对抬升量0.238mm,车钩每5m空间长度的减少量最大约为1.89mm,所有指标都低于EN 15227标准,因此动车组行车安全性没有受到影响,吸能装置也能可靠工作。
中文关键词:轨道活体侵入物  耐撞性  铰链式动车组  吸能装置
Research on the safety of articulated EMUs under high-speed impact of intrusion
Abstract:In order to explore the safety of the articulated EMU under the high-speed impact of the intrusion, a new three-dimensional finite element stack model of the live intrusion based on the reconstruction of the physical three-dimensional scanning was constructed, and the verification of the side impact of pendulum was carried out in LS-DYNA, the safety of the EMU operation and the reliability of the energy absorbing device were discussed through the simulation calculation of the collision between the articulated EMU and the live intrusion at a speed of 110km/h. The results show that the finite element stacking model of live intrusion could not only ensure the calculation accuracy, but also improve the calculation efficiency. At a collision speed of 110km/h, the acceleration of the carbody is 0.117g, the lift of the wheelset is 0.238mm, and the maximum reduction of the coupler's space length per 5m is about 1.89mm. All indexes are lower than the EN 15227 standard, the safety of train operation is not affected, and the energy absorbing device can also work reliably.
keywords:orbital live intrusion  crashworthiness  articulated EMU  obstruction guard
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