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投稿时间:2021-10-25  修订日期:2021-11-11  点此下载全文
马仁香* 山东建筑大学 1378167471@qq.com 
中文关键词:叠加法  均布荷载  矩形薄板  四边固支  挠度  有限元
Study on Deflection of Rectangular Thin Plates Fixed on Four Sides under Uniform Load
Abstract:In order to solve the deflection expression of rectangular thin plates with four edges fixed under uniform load, this paper uses superposition method to decompose complex problems into several simple problems based on Levi's solution, and then superposes them to obtain the deflection expression of rectangular thin plates with four edges fixed under uniform load. The correctness of the expression is verified by finite element simulation, and it is found that the finite element results are in good agreement with the formula results. The deflection expression obtained by superposition method in this paper has high solution accuracy and good convergence. Based on the existing resources, the deflection expression of fixed rectangular thin plate under uniform load is derived, which can be used as a reference for related personnel.
keywords:superposition method,uniform load,Rectangular thin plate,Fixed on four sides,Deflection,Finite element
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