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投稿时间:2021-11-20  修订日期:2021-12-01  点此下载全文
袁昌鲁 山东建筑大学土木工程学院 ycl384384@163.com; 
李嘉锴* 山东建筑大学土木工程学院 cangshu1101@163.com 
杨宁 山东建筑大学 964085746@qq.com 
中文关键词:钢板剪力墙  等效拉杆模型  塑性铰:PUSHOVER分析  性能指标
Study on service performance index of steel frame-plate shear wall structure after repair
Abstract:In order to study the rapid repair of steel frame-steel plate shear wall structure after earthquake, through statistics of existing test results, three-level repair performance indicators are proposed. Based on the equivalent tie rod theory, a finite element model is established to verify the indicators, and the structural performance is studied. Indexes such as the appearance sequence of plastic hinges, the displacement angle between layers and the development of structural stress under lateral load. The results show that the slab wall is slightly damaged under the service performance index (1/220 displacement angle) after the first-level repair of the structure. The corresponding repair method refers to the need to slightly repair the slab wall. Under the service performance index (1/110 displacement angle) of the structure after the secondary repair, almost the full section of the slab wall enters the plastic state, and it is necessary to consider replacing the slab or adding stiffeners for repair. Under the service performance index (1/85 displacement angle) of the structure after the third-level repair, the slab wall has all entered yielding, and plastic hinges have also appeared at the frame beam end. At this time, not only the slab wall needs to be repaired, but also the frame is considered. Repair it.
keywords:Steel plate shear wall  equivalent tie rod model  plastic hinge: PUSHOVER analysis  Performance indicators
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