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傅卓佳,博士 河海大学力学与材料学院
李西成,博士 河海大学力学与材料学院
茅晓晨,讲师,博士 河海大学力学与材料学院
孙洪广,博士 河海大学力学与材料学院
王海涛,副教授,博士 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院 反应堆结构研究室
王磊,讲师,博士 河海大学力学与材料学院
校金友,讲师,博士 西北工业大学航天学院
殷德顺,副教授,博士 河海大学力学与材料学院

1. 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室(大连理工大学)开放基金项目, “声波反问题的新型边界无网格方法研究”,参与,项目批准号:GZ0902,2009.12-2011.12 (在研)
2. 2009年度河海大学自然科学基金项目(理科类),“无限域问题的新型无网格法研究”,参与,项目批准号: 409251, 2009.11-2011.10(在研)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“高维高波数声波和振动数值模拟的边界粒子法研究”,参与,项目批准号:10672051, 2007.01-2009.12 (已完成)
4. 中国(科技部)-斯洛文尼亚国际合作项目:Fractional dynamic modeling of acoustic and dielectric behaviors of porous media,参与,合作方:斯洛文尼亚Maribor大学土木工程系 Dean Korosak教授,项目批准号:7-22, 2008.01-2009.06.30 (已完成)
5. 中国科协海外智力为国服务行动计划项目(美国),“计算力学中的大规模散乱数据处理算法及软件研究”,参与;项目批准号:07056, 2008.01-2008.12 (已完成)
1. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; Chen, Wen (2009): A truly boundary-only meshfree method applied to Kirchhoff plate bending problem. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, vol. 1(3), pp. 341-352
2. Fu, Zhuo-Jia; Chen, Wen; Yang Wei (2009): Winkler plate bending problems by a truly boundary-only boundary particle method. Computational Mechanics (SCI索引,影响因子: 1.638), vol. 44(6), pp. 757-763
3. Chen, Wen; Fu, Zhuo-Jia (2009): Boundary particle method for inverse Cauchy problems of inhomogeneous Helmholtz equations. Journal of Marine Science and Technology(SCI索引,影响因子: 0.831), vol. 17(3), pp. 157-163.
4. Chen, Wen; Fu, Zhuo-Jia; Jin, Bang-Ti (2009): A truly boundary-only meshfree method for inhomogeneous problems based on recursive composite multiple reciprocity technique. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements (SCI索引,影响因子: 1.096), vol. 34, pp.196–205
5. Chen, Wen; Fu, Zhuo-Jia; Wei, Xing (2010): Potential Problems by Singular Boundary Method Satisfying Moment Condition. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences (SCI索引,影响因子: 4.785), vol. 54, pp.65-86
6. Chen, Wen; Fu, Zhuo-Jia; Qin, Qing-Hua (2010): Boundary particle method with high-order Trefftz functions. CMC: Computers, Materials, & Continua (SCI索引,影响因子: 1.695), vol. 13(3), pp. 201-218.

1. Xicheng Li, Mingyu Xu, Shaowei Wang, Analytical solutions to the moving boundary problems with space-time-fractional derivatives in drug release devices, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 40 (2007) 12131-12141.
2. Xicheng Li, Mingyu Xu, Shaowei Wang, Scale-invariant solutions to partial differential equations of fractional order with a moving boundary condition, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 41 (2008) 155202.
3. Xicheng Li, Mingyu Xu, A model for reversible reaction in a sub-diffusive regime, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51 (2009) 102708.
4. Xicheng Li, Mingyu Xu, Xiaoyun Jiang, Homotopy perturbation method to time-fractional diffusion equation with a moving boundary,Applied Mathematics and Computation, 208 (2009) 434-439.
5. Shaowei Wang, Mingyu Xu, Xicheng Li, Green’s function of time fractional diffusion equation and its applications in fractional quantum mechanics, Nonlinear Analysis, 10 (2009) 1081-1086.
6. 李西成,经皮吸收的分数阶药物动力学模型,中国力学学会学术大会论文集,2009.
7. Xicheng Li, Wen Chen, Anomalous diffusion in a half plane with continuous source and sink at each half of the boundary, 第三届国际动力学、振动和控制会议(ICDVC-2010),接收。

1. Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed network of four neurons with a short-cut connection. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,
2. Hopf bifurcation analysis of a four-neuron network with multiple time delays. Nonlinear Dynamics
3. Dynamics of a delayed four-neuron network with a short-cut connection: analytical, numerical and experimental studies. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
4. Stability and bifurcation analysis of a network of four neurons with time delays. ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2010, in press.
5. 四神经元时滞网络的稳定性与分岔. 力学季刊

1. 国家留学基金委联合培养博士生项目(美国犹他州立大学,一年)
2. 河海大学优秀博士学位论文培育计划
3. 美国NSF 旅行资助参加 “Workshop on Flows and Networks in Complex Media,Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics,University of California, Los Angeles, United states”
1. 河海大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 2009 .1-2010. 12
2. 海岸灾害及防护教育部重点实验室开放研究基金, 2009 .1-2011. 12
1. HongGuang Sun, Wen Chen. Fractal derivative multi-scale model of fluid particle accelerations in fully developed homogeneous turbulence. Sci China Ser E-Tech Sci., 2009, 52 (3): 680-683.
2. Wen Chen, HongGuang Sun, Multiscale statistical model of fully-developed turbulence particle accelerations. Modern Physics Letters B, (2009), 23(3) 449-452.
3. Wen Chen, HongGuang Sun,Xiaodi Zhang, Dean Korosak. Anomalous diffusion modeling by fractal and fractional derivatives. Computers and Mathematics with Applications,2010, 59 (5): 1754-1758.
4. Wen Chen, Linjuan Ye, HongGuang Sun. Fractional diffusion equation by Kansa method, Computer and Mathematics with Applications,2010, 59 (5):1614-1620.
5. HongGuang Sun, Wen Chen, Yangquan Chen. Variable-order differential operator in anomalous diffusion modeling. Physica A, 2009, 388: 4586-4592.
6. HongGuang Sun, Wen Chen, Hu Sheng, YangQuan Chen, On mean square displacement behaviors of anomalous diffusions with variable and random orders. Physics Letters A, 2010, 374: 906-910.
7. HongGuang Sun, YangQuan Chen, Wen Chen. Random-order fractional differential equation models. Signal Process (2010), doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2010.01.027.
8. HongGuang Sun, Wen Chen, Changpin Li, Yangquan Chen. Fractional differential models for anomalous diffusion. Physica A, 2010, 389:2719-2724.
9. Hui Wei, Wen Chen, HongGuang Sun, Xicheng Li. A coupled method for inverse source problem of spatial fractional anomalous diffusion equations. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2009. (出版中)
10. 孙洪广,陈文,蔡行. 空间分数阶导数“反常”扩散方程数值算法的比较研究. 计算物理,2009, 26(5): 719-724.
11. 韦慧, 孙洪广, 陈文. 基于分数阶差分滤波器的边缘检测算法. 数据采集与处理, 2009. (出版中)
12. 陈文,孙洪广,分数阶微分方程的数值算法:现状和问题. 计算机辅助工程,2010.(出版中)


- 王海涛. 杜庆华工程计算方法优秀青年学者奖,“以表彰其在边界元方法研究中的杰出贡献”,The Third Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2009), Nanjing, China, 2009. (首届2名获奖人)
- Wang Haitao. ICCES/S. Ramanujan Young Investigator Award in Computation, in recognition of his “outstanding contributions to the development of the fast algorithm for boundary element methods“, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Las Vegas, USA. 31 March 2010. (本届唯一获奖人)
- 核级石墨复杂微观结构的大规模精确仿真方法研究,国家自然科学基金 (10602029),2007-2009,项目负责人
- 大规模和多尺度计算的快速多极边界元法及其工程应用,国家自然科学基金 (10472051),2005-2007,主要完成人
- 边界元快速算法及其工程应用,国家自然科学基金 (10172053),2002-2004,主要完成人
[1] Wang HT, Hall G, Yu SY, Yao ZH. Numerical simulation of graphite properties using X-ray tomography and fast multipole boundary element method. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2008, 37(2): 153-174. (SCI索引)
[2] Wang HT, Yu SY. Large-scale numerical simulation of mechanical and thermal properties of nuclear graphite using a microstructure-based model. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2008, 238(12): 3203-3207. (SCI & EI索引)
[3] Wang HT, Yu SY. Uncertainties of creep model in stress analysis and life prediction of graphite component. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2008, 238(9): 2256-2260. (SCI & EI索引)
[4] Wang HT, Yao ZH. A rigid-fiber-based boundary element model for strength simulation of carbon nanotube reinforced composites. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2008, 29 (1): 1-13. (SCI & EI索引)
[5] Wang HT, Lei T, Li J, Huang JF, Yao ZH. A parallel fast multipole accelerated integral equation scheme for 3D Stokes equations. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007, 70 (7): 812-839. (SCI & EI索引)
[6] Wang HT, Yao ZH. A new fast multipole boundary element method for large scale analysis of mechanical properties in 3-D particle-reinforced composites. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Science, 2005, 7(1): 85-95. (SCI & EI索引)
[7] Wang HT, Yao ZH, Wang PB. On the preconditioners for fast multipole boundary element methods for multi-domain elastostatics in 2D. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements.2005, 29: 673-688. (SCI & EI索引)
[8] Wang HT, Yao ZH. Application of a new fast multipole BEM for simulation of 2D elastic solid with large number of inclusions. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2004, 20(6): 613-622. (SCI索引)
[9] 王海涛, 何树延, 张征明, 于溯源. 同时满足反应谱匹配和功率谱密度包络要求的人工时程生成算法. 核动力工程, 2009, 30(1): 112-115. (EI索引)
[10] 王海涛, 姚振汉. 快速多极边界元法在大规模传热分析中的应用. 工程力学, 2008, 25(9): 23-27. (EI索引)
[11] Wang Haitao, Yao Zhenhan. Large Scale Analysis of Mechanical Properties in 3-D Fiber-Reinforced Composites Using a New Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2007, 12(5): 554-561. (EI索引)
[12] 王巍, 王海涛, 申世飞. 压力容器开孔结构分析的快速多极边界元研究. 清华大学学报, 2007, 47(3): 401-403. (EI索引)

2006.09 钱令希力学奖学金 二等奖
2007.09 一汽奔腾专项奖学金 二等奖
2008.09 钱令希力学奖学金 一等奖
1. H. W. Zhang, L. Wang, J. B. Wang, Computer Simulation of Buckling Behavior of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Abnormal Interlayer Distances, Computational Materials Science, 39 (2007) 664-672.
2. L. Wang, H. W. Zhang, Z. Q. Zhang, Y. G. Zheng, J. B. Wang, Buckling behaviors of single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with metal atoms, Applied Physics Letters, 91 (2007) 051122-3. Also in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 16(7), August 13, 2007.
3. L. Wang, H. W. Zhang, J. B. Wang, Buckling behavior of double-walled carbon nanotubes with abnormal interlayer distances, in Computational Mechanics, edited by Z. H. Yao, M. W. Yuan, Proceeding of International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Tsinghua University Press & Springer, Beijing, China, 2007.
4. H. W. Zhang, L. Wang, J. B. Wang, Z. Q. Zhang, Y. G. Zheng, Torsion induced by axial strain of double-walled carbon nanotubes, Physics Letters A, 372 (2008) 3488-3492.
5. L. Wang, H. W. Zhang, Y. G. Zheng, J. B. Wang, Z. Q. Zhang, Single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with bimetallic alloys: structures and buckling behaviors, Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (2008) 083519-6. Also in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 17(18), May 5, 2008.
6. L. Wang, H. W. Zhang, X. Deng, Influence of defects on mechanical properties of bicrystal copper grain boundary interfaces, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41 (2008) 135304-12.
7. L. Wang, H. W. Zhang, and X. M. Deng, The Influence of tube length, radius and chirality on the buckling behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes filled with copper atoms, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, (2009) 305301-7.
8. 王磊,张忠强,张洪武,双壁碳纳米管电浸润现象的分子动力学模拟,物理学报,57 (2008) 7069-7077.
9. L. Wang, H. W. Zhang, X. M. Deng, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Mechanical Behavior of Bi-crystal interfaces, Proceeding of International Symposium on Computational Mechanics, City University of Hong Kong & University of Macau & AIP Publisher, Hong Kong & Macau, China, 2009.

论文情况:近五年在国内外学术期刊、会议上发表论文17 篇,被SCI 收录9 篇、EI收录3 篇。以下为被SCI 收录的论文:
[1] Jinyou Xiao, Lihua Wen, Duo Zhang. Solving second kind Fredholm integral equations by periodic wavelet Galerkin method. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2006, 175(1): 508–518. (SCI, EI 检索)
[2] Jinyou Xiao, Lihua Wen, Duo Zhang. Gauss quadrature rules for partial support and logarithmic singular integrals with compactly supported wavelets. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2006, 179(2): 572–580. (SCI, EI 检索)
[3] Jinyou Xiao, Lihua Wen, Duo Zhang. A wavelet-integration-free periodic wavelet Galerkin BEM for 2D potential problems. Engineering Computations. 2007, 24(4): 306–318. (SCI, EI 检索)
[4] Jinyou Xiao, Duo Zhang, Lihua Wen. Fully discrete Alpert multiwavelet Galerkin BEM in 2D. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2008, 32(2): 91–99. (SCI, EI 检索)
[5] Jinyou Xiao, Johannes Tausch, LihuaWen. Approximate moment matrix decomposition in wavelet Galerkin BEM. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics Engineering. 2008, 197(45–48): 4000–4006. (SCI, EI 检索)
[6] Jinyou Xiao, Lihua Wen, Johannes Tausch. On fast matrix-vector multiplication in wavelet Galerkin BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2009, 33(2): 159–167. (SCI, EI 检索)
[7] Jinyou Xiao, Johannes Tausch, Yanchuang Cao, Lihua Wen. Combined equivalent charge formulations and fast wavelet Galerkin BEM for 3-D electrostatic analysis. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2009, 79(6): 753–772. (SCI, EI 检索)
[8] Jinyou Xiao, Johannes Tausch, Yucai Hu. A-posteriori compression of wavelet-BEM matrices. Computational Mechanics. 2009, 44(5): 705–715. (SCI, EI 检索)
[9] Jinyou Xiao, Johannes Tausch. A fast wavelet-multipole method for direct BEM. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2010, 34(7): 673–679. (SCI, EI 检索)

1. 殷德顺,王保田,王云涛.不同应力路径下的邓肯-张模型模量公式[J].岩土工程学报,2007,29(9):1380-1385(EI检索)
2. 殷德顺,任俊娟,和成亮,陈文.一种新的岩土流变模型元件[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2007,26(9):1899-1903(EI检索)
3. 殷德顺,王保田. 基坑工程侧向加、卸载应力路径试验及模量计算[J].岩土力学,(2007,28(11):2421-2425(EI检索)
4. 殷德顺,王保田,郭兴文.深厚软弱地基修建土石低、中坝问题的研究[J].水资源与水工程学报,2007,18(5):35-38
5. 殷德顺,王保田,张文慧,李向凤.支护水平位移对支护后土体变形的影响[J].中国水运(学术版),2007,(9):124-127
6. 殷德顺,王保田. 粘性土作用在基坑支护上水土压力的新思考[A]. 力学与工程[C]:北京:知识产权出版社, 2005. 198-203
7. 殷德顺,王保田,张文惠.主动区不同位置土压力位移曲线之间的关系[A].中国力学大会论文集(下册)[C],(07年8月,815)
8. 殷德顺,岳星宝.一种防桥头跳车装置的模拟试验研究[J].中外公路,2007,25(5):176-178
9. 殷德顺,王保田,李向凤.土压力位移关系的应力路径试验研究[J].岩土力学,(07年录用,待刊)
10. 殷德顺,王保田,张文惠. 不同方向卸载对基坑支护位移内力的影响[J].岩土力学,(06年录用,待刊)
11. 殷德顺,王保田.负乘幂本构模型的曲线模量[J].岩土力学,(07年录用,待刊)
12. 殷德顺,王保田.等值梁法改进[J].探矿工程,(08年录用,待刊)
13. 殷德顺,王保田,郭兴文.深厚软弱地基建坝的地基处理[J].探矿工程,(08年录用,待刊)
14. 殷德顺.基坑支护结构侧向变土压力的研究[D].南京:河海大学,2005.
15. 殷德顺,朱为玄,邓爱民. 改革考核方式,培养创新思维[J].河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2001,3(3),103-104
16. 王向东,殷德顺,黄俊.混凝土徐变试验数据处理中的几个问题[J].河海大学学报(自然科学版),1997,25(增3).
17. 符晓陵,徐道远,殷德顺. 混凝土结构裂缝扩展可靠度的随机有限元分析[J].河海大学学报(自然科学版),1997,25(增3).

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